Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I had to break the fast...

Yesterday my gums started bleeding, and I needed to stop my fast.  I needed to find out what was going on and stop the bleeding.  It is now six hours later (guestimate) and they are fine again.  I ate some stew cup from the NutraSystem lunches (they are small) and it stopped almost immediately!  So that was good.  Then 4 hours later they started up again, but a lot less than before.  So it would seem that I was doing something right!  I drank lemonade right before they bled again.  So I stopped the lemonade and went to straight to water with a very small amount of baking soda in it, to get rid of my bad breath.  That worked, no more bleeding.  Now it is almost time to eat again, and stew is in the menu.  
Thank God for handy small lunches from NutraSystem!!!
I'm feeling a lot better now, so that crisis is over.  In a week, I will probably get back to fasting again. I've got to get some more small meals, these won't last long.  And Stouffer's could make me gain weight.  
I've got to sign off for now.  More later!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The beat goes on...

Every day just gets better!  I'm doing real well on the fast, and getting around pretty well.  I just take it easy and keep on going.  One day at a time.  I can feel myself Healing each day it goes on, and I keep on getting better!  What else could I ask for? 
Casper says that the announcement of NESARA is 'imminent', but that has been going on for some time.  Those of us who know it is happening wait in silence, trusting all those who are relentlessly making it happen.  In my shape, I can't do much to help, but I do what I can to spread the news.  I can see the signs, because I know what to look for.  The banks are going down, the planet is getting steadily worse, the fake president flounders daily, the people of the world keep the pressure on, putting the screws to the illuminati.  The list goes on and on.  So I can clearly see that it is happening.  Some are not so smart, and flounder in their own ways.  Those of us that know help those that don't, so we can get through these latter days, so we survive.  We just keep on keeping on.  So many have fallen by the way, we need to survive!!!
You might say we are in the process of taking out the trash now.  We have already won.  And they know it.  The rats are deserting the ship.  
So imminent is real, our space brothers and sisters are on red/red alert now.  It is really odd, how time seems to go so slow, yet also so fast.  Are we ever really ready when the big moment comes?  We can see it coming from afar, know that it will happen, but when it arrives, you are never quite ready!  Such is life.
And the beat goes on...

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Busy, busy, busy...

It just never stops.  Today we had so many things going on, I never even got a nap.  First Jeff called from rehab and said he was done, the Doc was sending him home.  So Matt and Ben went to get him in Peoria.  As soon as they got home, Sheena showed up, and I got my ears pierced again.  They look good.  Then Jeff had me write a letter to Therisa.  That was delivered by hand, with not a very good reception. Then Denise showed up and said she might be pressing charges against Raymond for breaking in and stealing some stuff, after she put new locks on the apartment.  I don't know what happened with that, but she came back crying.  Matt talked to her downstairs.  Now they have left, Jeff went to his mom's house without the dog.  And Matt went to bed.  It is finally calming down here.   
Isn't Sunday supposed to be a day of rest???
This is the 11th day of the fast, and things are going well.  If anyone notices a difference, they aren't telling me.  22 pounds should make a change!!!  I can sure feel it.  Even Sheena didn't notice, and she notices everything!  But thats ok, we had a good talk.
Sooner or later they will see.  
Tomorrow Jeff and Matt are going to make a pen for Jinx in his mom's back yard, then he can take her over there until he can find his own place to live.  That will work out better.  
I have to wonder if Mike will finally get Matt's money to him later on today.  The lawyers were to talk it over this weekend.  Talk is all they do, where's the cash?!?!?!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Another day

Today is a good day.  I'm moving around better, and not hurting.  Things are still going great.  I'm even sleeping better!  That one I didn't expect.  My only problem is that my clothes are falling off me and so are my rings.  One more good thing, I'm growing hair again.  Did I mention this before?
Anyhow, the bad/good news of the day, Jeff went to Peoria in Ben's car, with Matthew, to admit himself into rehab.  The man is a mess.  I should be glad, because he needs this, but I'm worried about him.  He has really messed up his body, I'm not sure he can handle the strain.  Withdrawal can really stress out the body.  I hope he doesn't die in the process of trying to cure himself.  They should be back by now.  I wonder what is going on?
I've been learning about Yorkies.  I had no idea they were such an interesting dog!  So much controversy, too.  I discovered Chocolate Yorkies!  Yes!  I kid you not.  They have a mutation that gives them another color, but they are still a Yorkie.  I like them!  
Bitsy is mine, did I mention that the other day?  Denise has sold her to me.  
But there are also blonde ones, black ones, party colored ones, and then all the different sizes of the dog!  Tiny toy, toy, miniature and standard.  Though some don't accept any of them as AKC.  Such a controversy.  The older times people used to destroy any that weren't standard.  I assume that was to improve the genes.  Now they have moved the other way, celebrating the differences.  Well, some just don't like change.  
This has been a good day.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home sweet home!

This place has been like Grand Central Station today.  One thing after another all day long.  At least I had a quiet morning!  
I asked Denise if she would sell Bitsy to me for $50.  She said that she would think about it, but she looked like she wanted to accept it.  And now tonight she hasn't shown up to pick her up.  So I have to wonder.  I'll stay up until 3, like I usually do, then go to bed.  Bitsy doesn't look the least bit worried about this, she's sound asleep, on my bed.  Denise usually comes for her about 12:45 pm, and it is 2 am now.  I don't think she's going to show.
I looked at all sorts of websites today to learn about Yorkies.  That is what she is, a A Yorkshire Terrier.  They were bred in England, to chase and kill rats.  So they are a small, but tough breed, very brave and curious, daring.  Very protective of their owners.  They are small so that they can get into small places to catch the rodents.  She's not scared of anything!  They say that this trait can get them into trouble, if they attack a larger animal.  
This is a longer haired dog that doesn't shed, they need to be trimmed regularly if you want them to be shorter haired.  I've never had a dog that needed to be groomed regularly.  But that is ok, they certainly can't be worse than s Sheltie!  
I brushed her tonight, and she acted as though she had no clue what I was doing!  She was a bit scared until she found out that it felt good, then she rolled over on her back to let me brush her there.  She didn't want me to quit!  Next is trimming her toenails.  They are long.  Someone hasn't taken very good care of her. I'm betting she hasn't had her shots either.
Well, the fast is still going good!  It is so great to be walking around sooooo much better.  As of today, I've lost 16 pounds.  That is an estimate, of course.  But from how I lost in previous fasts, it is accurate.  It helps to have experience in fasting, so you know what to expect and how to deal with it.  I do have one suggestion to anyone who hates the bad breath, and won't use mouthwashes.  Get a jar of honey, raw honey that hasn't been heated up.  When you get unbearably bad breath, dip a spoon into the honey, let it drain, and suck on the spoon until it is completely gone from the spoon.  Push it around in your mouth, the honey, and let it do its job.  In a few minutes your breath will be a lot better.  In case you don't know, honey is a natural antiseptic, and alive!  It gets rid of the bad breath.  
Denise just called.  She caught Raymond in bed with another girl, and he actually called the cops on her.  He told the cops they had broken up a month ago and he didn't want to see her or talk to her.  So she's crying and in shock that he would do that to her.  She wants to leave Bitsy here overnight.  I told her she can leave her here the rest of my life, I don't care.  I told her not to worry about her, she was sound asleep.  I think she might just leave her here.  
Well, it is time to sign off, it is late.  I'll sleep real good tonight.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here we go again!

The start of another week has begun!  Things are looking real good, I'm still feeling great.  Casper is saying that NESARA will get announced this week, let's hope he is right.  Because the whole world is pissed off now!  They want their money, etc.  And they can't get theirs until we (the usa) get ours.  I heard that Brussels government died last Tuesday.  Not good.  Some major ice shelf is collapsing, hurricane season is longer, tornadoes are more prevalent and worse. The planet needs relief.  She needs this pole shift!!!  Now!!!
And in the midst of all this drama, Matt is still waiting on his money.  At least we now have food in the house!  I have a shipment of honey coming, probably today.  I ordered it a while ago, and it is finally getting here.  Another order is coming also.  Sometimes it takes a while.
Denise is thinking about giving me her dog, Little Bit, because it is not working out where she is living.  Her son does not treat her well, so she spends a good deal of her time under the bed or couch.  He is mean to her.  I hope Denise makes up her mind before the dog dies.  She is really a good dog.  I'd hate to loose her.  I call her Bitsy.
I love her.

One week is completed!!!

Seven days are done!  One leg of my journey is done!  I never thought it would be so easy.  
So, I guess that means I have lost 14 pounds, but since I don't have a scale, I can't weigh myself. Just the same, I can feel the difference!  I am walking so much more easily, it amazes me!  Getting up off the bed is easier, moving around is easier, I can walk farther.  No dizzy spells.  I'm so glad I'm fasting.
I just realized that I have been trapped in my body for years.  And now it is starting to work like it is supposed to.  I'm not trapped anymore!  Happy days!
And this is just the beginning.  I can't wait to find out what is next!