Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The beat goes on...

Every day just gets better!  I'm doing real well on the fast, and getting around pretty well.  I just take it easy and keep on going.  One day at a time.  I can feel myself Healing each day it goes on, and I keep on getting better!  What else could I ask for? 
Casper says that the announcement of NESARA is 'imminent', but that has been going on for some time.  Those of us who know it is happening wait in silence, trusting all those who are relentlessly making it happen.  In my shape, I can't do much to help, but I do what I can to spread the news.  I can see the signs, because I know what to look for.  The banks are going down, the planet is getting steadily worse, the fake president flounders daily, the people of the world keep the pressure on, putting the screws to the illuminati.  The list goes on and on.  So I can clearly see that it is happening.  Some are not so smart, and flounder in their own ways.  Those of us that know help those that don't, so we can get through these latter days, so we survive.  We just keep on keeping on.  So many have fallen by the way, we need to survive!!!
You might say we are in the process of taking out the trash now.  We have already won.  And they know it.  The rats are deserting the ship.  
So imminent is real, our space brothers and sisters are on red/red alert now.  It is really odd, how time seems to go so slow, yet also so fast.  Are we ever really ready when the big moment comes?  We can see it coming from afar, know that it will happen, but when it arrives, you are never quite ready!  Such is life.
And the beat goes on...

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