Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Fasting is not starving!

It just slays me how people react when they hear you are fasting.  They immediately think that you are starving, and must have a death wish!  No matter how many times you remind them otherwise, explaining to them that you are not starving until all your fat is gone, they offer you food, convinced that they are just trying to keep you alive.  Thankfully, I have only encountered this with Matthew, and he was calmed down soon.  I don't have a death wish, I'm getting myself healthy!!!

Already my asthma is gone, my blood pressure is back to normal, my eyesight is great, my hair is growing back, I can walk a lot better, and I am loosing weight!!!  On those things alone, it has been well worth it!!!  10 pounds lost is making me feel a whole lot better.  I can see a difference already in my face.  I'm looking and feeling younger already.

I have no idea how much I am saving us on food, but my not eating is helping a lot!!!  My clothes are fitting better also.  It is great to lay here watching them eat and not being hungry at all!  It is nice to know that I don't have to eat.  This is so easy!!  Just the fact that I am walking around a whole lot better, and it doesn't hurt near as much is pleasure enough to make this worth it!  But the benefits of this fast just keep on adding up.  

How could I forget how great fasting works?  I should have done this a long time ago.  I might not have gotten to the point where I had a stroke!  Don't believe the doctors, they have no clue what they are doing.  If they prescribed fasting instead of drugs, there would be a lot more healthy, thin people in the USA.  I'm convinced that the doctors here want to keep us sick so they can keep on making money off of us.  Why else would they act like they do?

One day at a time, things are getting better for me.  I'm Healing myself.  


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