Thursday, July 17, 2008

Home sweet home!

This place has been like Grand Central Station today.  One thing after another all day long.  At least I had a quiet morning!  
I asked Denise if she would sell Bitsy to me for $50.  She said that she would think about it, but she looked like she wanted to accept it.  And now tonight she hasn't shown up to pick her up.  So I have to wonder.  I'll stay up until 3, like I usually do, then go to bed.  Bitsy doesn't look the least bit worried about this, she's sound asleep, on my bed.  Denise usually comes for her about 12:45 pm, and it is 2 am now.  I don't think she's going to show.
I looked at all sorts of websites today to learn about Yorkies.  That is what she is, a A Yorkshire Terrier.  They were bred in England, to chase and kill rats.  So they are a small, but tough breed, very brave and curious, daring.  Very protective of their owners.  They are small so that they can get into small places to catch the rodents.  She's not scared of anything!  They say that this trait can get them into trouble, if they attack a larger animal.  
This is a longer haired dog that doesn't shed, they need to be trimmed regularly if you want them to be shorter haired.  I've never had a dog that needed to be groomed regularly.  But that is ok, they certainly can't be worse than s Sheltie!  
I brushed her tonight, and she acted as though she had no clue what I was doing!  She was a bit scared until she found out that it felt good, then she rolled over on her back to let me brush her there.  She didn't want me to quit!  Next is trimming her toenails.  They are long.  Someone hasn't taken very good care of her. I'm betting she hasn't had her shots either.
Well, the fast is still going good!  It is so great to be walking around sooooo much better.  As of today, I've lost 16 pounds.  That is an estimate, of course.  But from how I lost in previous fasts, it is accurate.  It helps to have experience in fasting, so you know what to expect and how to deal with it.  I do have one suggestion to anyone who hates the bad breath, and won't use mouthwashes.  Get a jar of honey, raw honey that hasn't been heated up.  When you get unbearably bad breath, dip a spoon into the honey, let it drain, and suck on the spoon until it is completely gone from the spoon.  Push it around in your mouth, the honey, and let it do its job.  In a few minutes your breath will be a lot better.  In case you don't know, honey is a natural antiseptic, and alive!  It gets rid of the bad breath.  
Denise just called.  She caught Raymond in bed with another girl, and he actually called the cops on her.  He told the cops they had broken up a month ago and he didn't want to see her or talk to her.  So she's crying and in shock that he would do that to her.  She wants to leave Bitsy here overnight.  I told her she can leave her here the rest of my life, I don't care.  I told her not to worry about her, she was sound asleep.  I think she might just leave her here.  
Well, it is time to sign off, it is late.  I'll sleep real good tonight.

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