Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here we go again!

The start of another week has begun!  Things are looking real good, I'm still feeling great.  Casper is saying that NESARA will get announced this week, let's hope he is right.  Because the whole world is pissed off now!  They want their money, etc.  And they can't get theirs until we (the usa) get ours.  I heard that Brussels government died last Tuesday.  Not good.  Some major ice shelf is collapsing, hurricane season is longer, tornadoes are more prevalent and worse. The planet needs relief.  She needs this pole shift!!!  Now!!!
And in the midst of all this drama, Matt is still waiting on his money.  At least we now have food in the house!  I have a shipment of honey coming, probably today.  I ordered it a while ago, and it is finally getting here.  Another order is coming also.  Sometimes it takes a while.
Denise is thinking about giving me her dog, Little Bit, because it is not working out where she is living.  Her son does not treat her well, so she spends a good deal of her time under the bed or couch.  He is mean to her.  I hope Denise makes up her mind before the dog dies.  She is really a good dog.  I'd hate to loose her.  I call her Bitsy.
I love her.

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