Monday, July 14, 2008

My hours are screwed up...

I don't seem to be sleeping as much as I used to, and my hours have changed.  Can't figure out just why.  Being home bound since the stroke I  had last year, means that they can change at will, and it doesn't matter much.  Now that I'm not eating makes me more flexible at that as well.  
It has been a good day, on the whole.  I'm surviving.  
I am walking better, not near as much stiffness that I've had for a while.  So that is encouraging!  I like feeling good!  I'm still not at all hungry.  That is great.  Such a relief not to focus on food all the time!  
Still waiting on Matt's money.  Seems to still be dicking around, but we will get past this as well.  
Tomorrow is grocery day, so at least we will have food in the house.  I would prefer to have NutraSystem, but that will happen in time.  One step at a time.

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